Friday, December 25, 2020

Lavish Love

 A few months back, I went back and re-read some of my blog posts from when we were going through infertility.  I was again reminded at how faithful God has been to our family.  We were given a very slim chance of conceiving on our own and each pregnancy (all conceived naturally I might add) has been a testimony of God's grace in answering our prayers.  

I think back to 6 years ago when I wondered whether we would ever have children of our own.  Oh how many tears I cried, prayers I prayed, pleading with God to give us a child.  I can remember two instances during that time when I felt God telling me that we would one day have children.  At the time, I wasn't certain if that's what He was really saying and it was easy to doubt that promise when months would go by without a positive pregnancy test.  I can look back now and see how He really was speaking to me, telling me that He would answer our prayers.  But it was all in His timing.  

Fast forward and now we are anticipating a FOURTH child.  FOUR!  My heart is so overwhelmed at His graciousness.  Six years ago, I wouldn't have been able to fathom being pregnant with a fourth child.  But isn't that just God's character? How he lavishes His love on us?  Gives us more than what we would could ever ask or imagine? 

But do you know what's even more amazing than this story and testimony that He has given our family?  It's the story that we celebrate today on Christmas. It's the story that weaves us all together. The story of love coming down as a baby in a manager so many Christmases ago.  It's God's lavish love on a world so in need of a Savior.  What could be a better expression of love?  

On this Christmas Day, I am celebrating new life.  New life inside me but also new life given to me through Christ.  In a crazy year of so much disappointment and division, I hope that you will feel the hope, peace, joy and love that comes through celebrating the day when Christ came to earth.  Merry Christmas to you all! 

"I celebrate the day that you were born to die 

so I could one day pray for you to save my life. "

I Celebrate the Day by Relient K 

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