Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Community Around the Dinner Table

Last week I finished a book called "For the Love" by Jen Hatmaker and I'm currently in the middle of "Bittersweet" by Shauna Niequist.  Both of these books and authors have really struck a chord with me and I feel that these ladies are "my people."  I love it when I read a blog or in this case a book and it feels that the author has somehow discovered a secret window into my life and has written my thoughts and feelings and experiences and beliefs in a such a beautiful perfect way that I could have never articulated myself.  Every page I turn, I think "yes, I know exactly what you mean!" or "I think that all the time!" 

These books have really gotten me to ponder on the things that are important in life and the theme that has stuck out the most is finding community around the dinner table.  They both have a love for cooking and a deep appreciation for good food, which I also share with them.   They both have supper clubs either weekly or monthly where they sit around the table with those they love and nourish their bodies and souls with good food, laughter and company.  What they describe at these supper clubs sounds so magical, something beautiful being created out of something so mundane and ordinary like eating.  

Then I realized how much of Jesus's ministry was spent around food or eating.  He turned water to wine at a party, fed thousands with some loaves of bread and a couple of fish.  He cooked breakfast for his friends and shared meals with the tax collectors and outcasts.   His last night with his closest friends was spent around the table with bread and wine.  

There is something so mysterious and beautiful about sharing a meal with people you love.  It forces us to slow down from our fast food paced lives and savor each bite and moment and appreciate it for what it is.  It reminds us what's truly important in life (good food, in my opinion, is up there). 

All of this has made me consider possibly putting together my own supper club.  So we'll see where that goes.  In the meantime, find some friends, cook them a meal and experience the beauty and joy that comes from eating around the dinner table and experiencing authentic community. 

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